Saturday, 26 September 2015

Dentists Are the First Line of Defense for Elder Abuse

With the American population living longer, seniors' oral health has become an important issue, as has the widespread problem of elder abuse. Every year more than 2.5 million older Americans may be victims of elder abuse, and in some cases dentists serve as the first line of defense, according to a report in the May/June 2005 issue of General Dentistry, the clinical, peer-reviewed journal of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).

To read the entire article, visit:

Drs. Leaman, Setnicar & Piacsek, S.C.
James Leaman DDS, Joseph Setnicar DDS, Stacie Piacsek DDS
820 Summit Avenue
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
(262) 567-4466

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 6: Floss Every Day

Flossing helps control plaque. It can reach where a toothbrush can't, like between the teeth. Floss daily with floss and interdental cleaners that carry the American Dental Association (ADA) seal. Ask your dentist for tips if you're not sure how to floss. Like everything else, flossing gets easier with practice.

The above article is from:

Drs. Leaman, Setnicar & Piacsek, S.C.
James Leaman DDS, Joseph Setnicar DDS, Stacie Piacsek DDS
820 Summit Avenue
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
(262) 567-4466

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Diabetes and Your Mouth # 5: Brush Daily, Brush Right

Brushing your teeth twice a day not only keeps your breath sweet, but also helps rid the mouth of bacteria that makes up plaque and can lead to oral infections. To brush properly, point bristles at a 45-degree angle against the gums. Use gentle back-and-forth strokes all over your teeth -- in front, in back, and on chewing surfaces -- for two minutes. If holding a toothbrush is hard for you, try an electric toothbrush. Also brush your gums and tongue.

The above article is from:

Drs. Leaman, Setnicar & Piacsek, S.C.
James Leaman DDS, Joseph Setnicar DDS, Stacie Piacsek DDS
820 Summit Avenue
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
(262) 567-4466

Post-Treatment Care & Tooth Extractions

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about post-treatment care for tooth extractions.